Historical Approach: An Example to Explore (Education)

Parr, B., & Edwards, M. C. (2004). Inquiry-based instruction in secondary agricultural education: Problem-solving-An old friend revisited. Journal of Agricultural Education, 45, 106-117.

In this study, researchers investigated whether inquiry-based and problem-solving methodologies are similar in their effectiveness in improving student performance. Using a historical approach, researchers compiled the data by collating research findings from science and agricultural educators who examined and applied inquiry-based and problem-solving techniques to improve student performance. A variety of documents were used in the analysis, including dissertations, national reports, articles from professional journals and magazines, books, and articles published between 1918 and 2003.

In both examples provided, the purpose was not simply to examine the past on its own, but rather to make the connection between it and our present worldview (e.g., the analysis of the kite runner) and our future practices (e.g., the education example).

Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2023, 6:34 PM