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anglais4- Summary

صورة farouk ladjailia
anglais4- Summary
بواسطة الأربعاء, 1 آذار 2023, 9:15 - farouk ladjailia

2nd Physics-anglais4

The scale goals

The student will be familiar with the goals of the scale based on Bloom's cognitive levels

1- The level of knowledge and reminder-Remember-: stimulating students to restore information from memory in order to evoke regarding the scale

2- The level of assimilation and understanding- Understand-: The student determines the various variables and concepts related to the scale through his understanding of the scale

3- The level of application- Apply-: The student diagnoses the various developments that have occurred

4- The level of analysis- Analyze-: The student analyzes various changes and developments

5- The level of installation and construction- Create-: The student searches for the role of science throughout various ages

6- Evaluation level- Evaluate-: a final test for student knowledge and its ability to determine various changes and developments

Every person has a beginning and an end except the scientists, their names immortalize their works. And this is what we try to study in the second semester

Chapter one :

Marie Curie is  Maria Salomea Skłodowska,Was  born on  November 7, 1867 and died on July 4, 1934 is a Polish physicist and chemist originally and then acquired French citizenship later known for her research in the field of decay of radioactivity, and she is the only woman who received two Nobel Prizes in two different fields: physics and chemistry. She and her husband Pierre Curie discovered the elements polonium and radium to win the Nobel Prize in physics together and alone in chemistry in 1911.


Chapter two :

Erwin Schrödinger , was born on August 12, 1887 – and died on January 4, 1961) is an Austrian physicist known for his contributions to quantum mechanics, especially his equations (Schrödinger's equation), through which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933, where his equation solved the dilemma of the effect of two quantum fundamental particles, the negatively charged electron and the positively charged proton, which forms the nucleus of the hydrogen atom. Called the Schrödinger equation on the hydrogen atom in 1926, he expressed hydrogen in its equation as a wave and not as a particle, thus laying the foundation of wave mechanics.


Chapter three :

Niels Bohr is Niels Henrik David Bohr, was born on October 7, 1885 and died on November 18, 1962, a Danish physicist who contributed significantly to the formulation of the understanding of atomic structure models as an addition to quantum mechanics, especially his interpretation, which calls for accepting the probabilistic nature posed by quantum mechanics and this interpretation is known as the Copenhagen Interpretation In 1913 he reached the construction of his theory of the construction of the atom